October 14, 2010

Three Things Thursday...and a special request

Several running blogs have a weekly series called Three Things Thursday. It's Thursday and I just happen to have at least three things to share, so who am I to not jump on the bandwagon?

1. I still have a lot to learn about running, so I look to more experienced runners who also blog and pick up tips and ideas from them. I always enjoy reading Chic Runner and Evolving Through Running because they're entertaining and instructional, and this week, I've snatched up some extracurricular reading ideas from That Pink Girl. She mentioned Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes and Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald, and since I know she knows her stuff, I ordered both books today. I can't wait till they arrive next week! If I spent half as much time actually running as I do reading about running, I would be AWESOME at it.

2. I have more races on my schedule! Even though I'm incredibly slow and would be happy finishing in the middle of the pack, I know I need a goal to work toward to motivate me to lace up my running shoes. So I'm running another 5K on Thanksgiving Day - the Turkey Trot  - mostly in hopes that the t-shirt will look like this:

Next on the list is a 10K at the Fayetteville Half Marathon on December 12. This is going to be a huge challenge, not only because of the distance, but also because of the course. The race starts and ends on the University of Arkansas campus - which alumni affectionately refer to as The Hill. Everything at the U of A somehow seems to be uphill, so I need to start training on hills now.

3. Ben Davis is a fellow Arkansan and runner, and his blog, bendoeslife.tumblr.com, has recently achieved international fame. He posted a video on YouTube of his journey to lose 120 pounds by running. Within just a few days, the video had thousands of views, and last time I checked it was up to more than 841,000 views. Since he's been discovered, he's gotten a sponsorship from Active.com and gets free running gear sent to him from major brands, like Brooks. He's gotten so popular that he has started selling t-shirts with his slogan: do life. He's a nice guy, so I ordered mine today!

And now for my special request. Technically, this is a fourth thing, but this isn't something that belongs on a lighthearted numbered list. A coworker, who I only know as an acquaintance, lost her husband to a terminal illness this week. She's also 8 months pregnant with their first child. She has been on my mind constantly in recent weeks, and my heart breaks to think of what she's going through. She and her husband sort of remind me of myself and Trea. Trea is my best friend, and I love him more than air. I can't imagine losing him at all, and certainly not at a young age, when our lives together are only just beginning. So hug your spouse, your kids, your best friend or your parents. Tell them that you love them and be thankful for one more day with them. And if you pray, please pray for Hannah.


  1. So sad. I hadn't heard about Hannah's husband until reading your post.

  2. What a cute race shirt - I too hope yours looks like that!
    Such a sad story. Of course I'll be praying for Hannah. What a challenging time to walk through. His grace is sufficient - He'll hold her tight.



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